Sunday, September 2, 2018

PATCON XIV Speaker: Team Liberty and A Recurrence to Rebellion

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As 'Team Liberty' prepares for an uncertain future, it may be helpful to to recall the words of our various State's founding generation, whose names persist to this day as places and institutions; and the deeds of men for whom only the monument, song and poem, remain. Words such as, "a frequent recurrence to fundamental principles is absolutely necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty", are part of the fabric of North Carolina's foundation, in company with 15 other states. The 'fundamental principle' part is crucial to understanding the traits that constitute the weave that binds us together as a greater nation. Fundamentals such as a shared and common recognition of the Spiritual as the glue that binds, or the written guarantee of a free, or republican form of government; and that government is the servant or tool of the people. Unalienable rights, and 'shall not be infringed', along with, 'watering the tree of Liberty' stand as reminders that attendance to maintenance, or frequent 'recurrence' must be not be forgotten. And when government becomes destructive of the people's end, the people have every right, and indeed, duty, to alter or abolish it.

Is a recurrence to rebellion necessary? Under North Carolina's 1868 and 1971 constitutions, secession is forbidden, so the state is unlikely to engage in one. The General Assemblies and County Courthouses are beholden to their federal masters for daily porridge, and will not bite that hand. What of the People? One form of rebellion available to the people is withdrawal of consent. The degree of withdrawal is up to the individual and the family unit. Witness the rise in homeschooling, the increase in firearm ownership, or the steady decline in consumption of the products of traditional media outlets. Large numbers are executing or planning strategic withdrawals from urban cesspools to safer rural locations. Saying 'no' becomes easier when others are doing it.

Will a 2nd Amendment remedy be necessary? Only if our 1st amendment exercise falters. More voices are needed, and with frequent and lively application. Speaker's Corners need to be established and sanctified for posterity...Silent Sam's place on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill should be designated a speaker's corner, and the Tommy Robinson's of North Carolina should be a constant, daytime presence. Even if the exercise of 2nd amendment principles occurs, speech and the use of words will be needed as a brake on excess.

We are 151 years into the persistent heresy of nationalized American citizenship, as a continuing consequence of the Reconstruction Acts of 1867 & 68. 151 years of perpetual warfare, often in places where there should be no American interest. Breaking this long record of the abuse of all the States and their people, should be a primary end goal of team Liberty. A recurrence to fundamental principles needs to be happening, now!

There was a time in the not-too-distant past, when horse thieves, murderers, rapists, and traitors would be subject to the hang-man's noose. A recurrence of that idea may be appropriate in our age. One old, but very neat idea from 1618 Prague, involved tossing some bum politicians out a third story window, giving us the word, 'defenestration'. We are at that unique place time where defenestration should become part of the American lexicon.

A recurrence to Rebellion, indeed!

--Philip Van Horn

Van Horn will speak about, 'Fundamental Principles and the Need for Frequent Recurrence', Pat Con 14, on October 6, 2018. " My speech, though not exactly written out, will enumerate say, the top ten fundamental principles, and why exercising them is the best way to reclaim and maintain them going forward. I will personalize it, and speak from the heart, and trust that the Holy Spirit will guide my final preps. I will invoke God's law, Common and Natural law, but those could be topics unto themselves."

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