Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Is Leon County, Florida Crooked?

Via Don

How crooked is Leon County?

 Today is the start of early voting in Leon County, Florida.  My wife asked me to mail her absentee ballot on the same day.  I planned to vote early, so as I readied for my trip to the post office, I brought my absentee ballot with me to turn it in.
I tossed both envelopes into the car seat and noticed something unusual.  My wife is a registered Democrat, and her envelope was postage-paid with "par avion," which is French for air mail.  I'm a registered Republican, and my envelope had clear bold-type letters stating that postage needed to be applied.



  1. Ya know this almost sounds too good to be factual, but I read it and moved on. Then a light went on in my head since I was a stamp collector back in the day: "par avion," which is French for air mail was never used for domestic United States Postal Service mail even 50 years ago. The term "AIR MAIL" was used up to the 70s I believe. "Par Avion" was used in Europe and may still be, but nowadays the term is moot because all intercontinental mail and almost all long-hail domestic mail automatically goes by air.

    1. Interesting and thanks. I did check Snores and found nothing.

    2. Guess that explains why one was postpaid and the other wasn't. Nothing to see here, move along.

      You know my daddy voted Republican till the day he died, then he voted Demorat.
