Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Dems October Surprise May be on Them

 Image result for The Dems October Surprise May be on Them

If we learned anything from the Kavanaugh smear and the endless Russia collusion investigation, it’s that just as Islam is a political system masquerading as a religion, Democratic Party ideals are a religion masquerading as a political system.

What they tried to do to Kavanaugh in declaring him a rapist with an absolute lack of evidence, has shown Americans that they do not care who gets hurt in their pursuit of power.  How many male voters thought, “That could be me.”  How many women voters thought, “That could be my husband; that could be my son.”

Yet Kavanaugh is merely the most egregious of their missteps.


  1. Replies
    1. I pray the migrant plan backfires. The polls still show the Dem generic exceeds the R's but when polling all the individual close races, the R's lead by one.
