Tuesday, October 9, 2018

"This is how sick NC has become"

Christine Blasey Ford swears in at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill September 27, 2018 in Washington, DC. 

That UNC would award a fraud; namely, Christine Ballsy Fraud. This almost beyond belief; a sort of Onion satire sprung to 'life'

Let's hope common  sense prevails and alumni do not get awards for making unsupported allegations that, in reality, are political accusations contrived to falsely assassinate a  person's character to achieve a political end.  Rewarding anyone for that is like rewarding people for successfully robbing
banks. Reject her misguided nomination UNC because if you don't when the truth comes out, you're going to look rather foolish when you recant the award.



  1. I hate to admit that I lived in Chapel Hill for 2 years about 20 years ago. I learned then the city and UNC are festering putrid open sores of extreme Liberalism. Thanks to high tuition fees from thousands of out-of-state students who's rich parents still reside as professionals (Doctors, lawyers, dentists, etc.)in liberal enclaves like New York, Michigan, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Connecticut the university is in the forefront of indoctrination factories turning out future Democrat activists.

    1. :( I should ask for my g,g, grandfather's portrait back. They might even be happy to do it since he was an old, white

  2. Humm, another Arts degree holder, promoting an arts degree holder, for engaging personal emotion.
    Who the hell, in their right mind, would us a MD who holds arts degree accreditation?

    1. another Arts degree holder, promoting an arts degree holder, for engaging personal emotion.

      Because it makes them feel good.......
