Monday, November 5, 2018

LTE: The Guardian Goes Off The Deep End

Via Billy

 Image result for csa benjamin jew
10. "I will never be taken alive."
Judah P. Benjamin, Secretary of State, CSA
to Dr. Moses Hoge

Rebecca Solnit c/o The Guardian,

Your anti-Confederate rant is typical of the Marxist indoctrinated crowd who think they know it all about our history, but actually know almost nothing. You communists, and that’s what you are, have been brainwashed with 150+ years of Marxist rewritten lies, half-truths, and propaganda. There are too many false and idiotic statements in your column to address them all, so I will attempt to address only a few.

1)      Segregation – This was initiated by the Yankees during Reconstruction.  The North was segregated way before the South was. Before Lincoln’s illegal war, the South was NOT segregated, but the high-toned, know-it-all North was. They forced this upon the South during their twelve year military occupation.

2)      Jim Crow Laws – Again, this was initiated in the North, NOT the South. The South, of course, gets the blame for it, just as it does for slavery, which was practiced in the North as well, and the New England Yankees were the ones who built the slave ships and traded goods for already captured slaves in Africa and brought them to the U.S. and sold them to BOTH Northerners and Southerners.

3)      KKK – The original KKK, formed during the horrors of Reconstruction, was formed to defend both blacks and whites from the terror and murder of the Union League which killed those who would not vote for the Radical Republicans. It was disbanded in the early 1870s.  The KKK which you, and many other ignorant people identify, formed in the early 1900s is not the same Klan, and was even mimicked by fraudulent “Klansmen” who did horrific deeds in order to bring negative attention to the Klan. 

More @ NamSouth


  1. Regarding segregation, the first Kansas state constitution prohibited blacks - slave or free- from entering or residing in the state.
