Tuesday, December 18, 2018

A Report from South Africa

Via John

 White Genocide? South African Politician: Kill Whites, “Their Women,” and “Their Children”

Below is an article I just wrote. It's my impressions of a South Africa that most of you may only know from movies or magazines. Today, South Africa like so many other countries is on a precipice and depending on the election results in a few months, and the direction the nation's leadership chooses, South Africa as you think you've known it could be lost for generations. The facts are accurate, the opinions are mine.



Hi all:

As you may know/recall, I’m in Johannesburg, South Africa for much of the month of December visiting my son, his wife and my 6 grandchildren.

It’s been an eye-opening experience, which if you’ll allow me to share, may be a harbinger of things to come. What I’m alluding to is not just what might happen in South Africa if radicals prevail in pushing their current agenda, but may soon be seen throughout much of the civilized western world, including America.

My son lives in a lovely middle-class neighborhood where ALL the homes are surrounded by high walls with either electrical or razor wire atop them. Entries are protected by heavy steel, electrically operated gates that require wireless openers used from within cars or the home if someone rings the outside doorbell requesting permission to gain entry to the home.

There is no “real” reliable postal service, as anything of value tends to get stolen. Therefore, all deliveries of value are done by local company delivery trucks, UPS or FedEx. All bills and invoices are transacted electronically, online using a very slow, and often times unreliable Internet.

ALL the neighborhoods hire outside security contractors to augment/replace a totally non-responsive public city police force. The reaction/response time of the city’s local police is usually 1-3 hours regardless of the situation as compared to the contracted S.W.A.T. Tactical Forces that have a response time of 4 minutes or less. Keep in mind, gun ownership by citizens is highly restricted by South African law.

The local street outside my son’s home is quiet with little traffic, and there is a lovely park just 2 blocks from the house. Both are perfect places for the kids to ride a bicycle, skateboard or just walk around the tree-lined playgrounds and along the paths that wind through the large park area.

Yet, my two grandsons do not venture outside to the streets unaccompanied to bike or skateboard; neither they nor my four granddaughters dare walk to the park to enjoy its many options.

A small and growing group of anti-white radicals have adopted the tactics of terrorists and on one or two occasions, somewhere in the city have kidnapped a white child off of the streets and then done a great job of public relations to frighten the residents.

Apparently their PR was enough to instill terror in the hearts and minds of virtually all local area white children and their families. The fear of a boy being kidnapped or a young girl being taken and raped along local streets now keeps the children inside the security of their own personal compounds. While I personally believe that to be irrational and a major concession to the few bad people who may be out there, sadly that is the reality as a result of local terrorism.

It’s difficult to understand all of this until you know the politics of what is now occurring in South Africa. A quick overview: The vast majority of the work force in homes (maids, nannies, and home help), shops, large food and retail stores (virtually every business of any type) has its workforce comprised of poorly educated, unmotivated individuals from the overwhelmingly black, African population.

Many of the workers come to South Africa illegally from Zimbabwe to earn a few Rand (local currency) to buy food to take back to their families in Zimbabwe over the days that they are off from work. This is true even in my son’s home where he has two maids with varying schedules. One of the maids works every day Monday – Friday and receives the equivalent of $280 per month and board, as she goes home at night to her family . The other works only Saturday in exchange for room & board but no pay.

The fact that the available workforce is a mixture of poorly skilled and often unmotivated workers is an issue, however it is not necessarily the greatest problem. There is now a fast-growing radical element that has successfully gained power, seen its members elected within the government and is now demanding that laws be passed allowing the indigenous black population to demand and receive retribution (compensation) for events that happened in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. They now wish to “reclaim” their farmland that was acquired by whites 200-300 years ago, by whatever means necessary. Initially it began with a modified eminent domain approach and farmers were forced off their land, but compensated.

However, that plan has now morphed into the idea of making it legal to simply take the land by force with legal impunity, and with no compensation paid to the farmer/landowner and no legal recourse to prevent or appeal the “theft.” Believe it or not, this is currently under serious consideration by their legislators who are considering making it a “constitutional right” of the black majority to take any and all farm property owned by whites. How do you think that’s going to work out?

If that is not bad enough, that same proposed law is also under consideration for expansion to include private homes, like my son’s and his neighbor’s homes, again with no recourse or compensation.

Should that occur on a large scale, what will happen is that they will have the farms, but not the skills or expertise to grow enough food to feed the nation or themselves; they won’t have the money or skills to maintain the homes, which will fall into disrepair.

If this does come to pass, the first thing to happen is there will be starvation, then the collapse of the society as businesses close, people cannot find work and have no money for anything that remains on store shelves. A black market will take over the economy, and this once prosperous nation will become the next Zimbabwe. This has been shown to occur in every case in the history of mankind when such actions have been attempted.

Like the working class, the composition of their government isn’t much better than the potential future or our own - think of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Beto O’Rourke in America. These are self-serving radicals who ideas and concepts do not take into consideration the future consequences of their actions.

In South Africa a great deal of what will actually transpire into firm national law will depend heavily on who is elected in the upcoming presidential elections; will it be a hard core radical or a leader who understands the need for law and order (sound familiar?).

If the radicals prevail, all hell will begin to break loose in a matter of months. South Africa, once a thriving nation, and the agricultural breadbasket of the African continent will become another Zimbabwe or Venezuela; inflation will be in the millions of percentages, their money worthless, rioting will openly occur in the streets and anarchy will be ongoing until power is secured by one rebel group or another.

The logical question to ask is, “Why don’t the 'wealthier' people just cash out and leave?” The answer is quite simple. About 40-years ago, the Rand, South Africa’s “dollar” was on a 1:1 par with the US dollar. So if you had one million Rand, you could exchange that currency for $1 million US dollars and remain financially whole making relocation to another country feasible.

Today, the conversion value of 1-million Rand is just $75,000 US dollars, and the Rand is not an accepted currency in any major nation outside of South Africa. The reality is that to leave South Africa, you basically take your family to another country using whatever funds you can convert, along with a few of your possessions, leaving everything else you ever had in South Africa – home, car, business, possessions you can’t afford to ship - and start over in a new country with no money and no assets.

By watching what is happening in Johannesburg, and in talking with my son and his father-in-law who was born in South Africa, I’m seeing a growing fear that they, like many other whites in South Africa, are starting to think about life with a serious Plan “B.” If this nation, a so-called Democracy, with an elected president, a 2-chamber congress and an executive branch falls to the radicals, life for white people as they’ve known it for centuries is in serious jeopardy.

For those of you who have never traveled to a nation that subsequently fell from having been a thriving economy to a low level 3rd world country, this may seem to be more fiction that possible reality. I assure you, as this is my fourth trip here that what I described is accurate.

To me this trip in particular has been a lesson. I’m seeing for myself that if not carefully nurtured and guarded, it is possible that any nation, if it strays far from the principles that made it successful, succumbs to or allows itself to be overtaken by radical ideas that destroy its core foundation, that its fall from economic prosperity can be brutally quick. Many of us have lived to see this happen in the once prospering nations of Cuba, Zimbabwe and more recently Venezuela
The attached article is just one recent indicator of proof that what I'm seeing in South Africa is very real and very frightening.

I hope you enjoyed what I've sent.

Fremont V Brown III
NCGOP District 11 Member-at-Large & Communications-Webmaster
NCGOP Executive Committee Member-at-Large
North Carolina Federation of Republican Men, VP Mountain, Webmaster
Buncombe County Republican Men's Club Member
Tarheel Tea Party, LLC, CEO
Tea Party Patriots, Local Coordinator
FreedomWorks Super Activist
Virgil Productions, LLC, CEO
TeaPartyTV.US/.COM, a Virgil Productions, LLC Website
NRA Life Member
1434 Brevard Road
Asheville, NC 28806
(828) 777-5326


  1. Doesn't South Africa still produce a lot of diamonds, both industrial and gem stones? I didn't know the economy there had devalued to that extent. Must be extremely debt heavy, like most nations, like the U.S.A..
    Unfunded liabilities, inflation, expanding welfare programs, radical groups and ideas gaining momentum, extreme gun ownership laws, lurking communism just under the surface, racial STRIFE. Hmmmm, sounds like a hellatious stew coming to a boil.

    1. Hmmmm, sounds like a hellatious stew coming to a boil


  2. My one friend and I have talked ad nauseam about our current culture war. And he agrees, Western Civilization is under attack. Yet, he is so indroctionated, he is unable to say / admit that not all cultures are equal. He has been so brow beaten that to admit it would make him racist. While solidly in the moderately far right. He is terrified of being thought a racist. He goes into shock every time I proudly brand myself a racist. No, I’m not but by making that declaration, I stop every liberals attack. I took back the power of that charge and it is now hollow.

    Don’t agree with a liberal, their first attack, you’re just racist. I simply don’t let them get to that point. A preemptive attack by me and they are silenced. Take their meaningless attack away and most just stand there with a stupid look. They have never had to think past that point in an argument.

    Back to point, he is so indroctionated with the concepts of “multiculturism,” “inclusion,” “tolerance,” and “equality,” he cannot get past them. He admits they do not work, they are destroying Western Civilization but just cannot seem to admit it to himself. Because by admitting these ideas are evil, he suddenly became a racist. And he just could not live with himself if he was. I think in time he will accept the truth, but he isn’t capable today.

    The African culture like the Muslim culture are NOT compatible with Western Civilization culture. I am not saying we need to change them. But I am saying we need to be sure they do not change us. Because throughout history there has never been a case of two cultures coexisting. One culture dominates, and the other is destroyed, every time.

    There is a reason the elites are pushing to destroy western civilization. Most do not know or realize but it is only in Western Civilization the individual matters. Below is an excerpt I got from somewhere, I wish I remembered, I would credit them. But it says exactly why our cultures are not compatible.

    This Is Biggest Problem In Africa, Tribal Identity And Culture.

    There is no concept whatsoever in African tradition that the individual matters. It's all about the tribe. You are born into a tribe, and that basically circumscribes most of your life. You work for the good of the tribe; you die (if necessary) for the good of the tribe (including older people walking out into the bush to starve if there isn't enough food, so that what's available will keep the youngsters - the future of the tribe - alive); you identify so strongly with your tribe that all others are regarded with, at best, suspicion, if not fear and/or hatred. You work to strengthen your tribe in every way possible, including by weakening all other tribes (this is why so many African civil servants will bend or break all the rules to accommodate their tribe, while applying them rigorously against the interests of others).

    That that concept of individual is what the elites want to eliminate. It is much easier to make slaves from people with no concept of the individual. There in no other culture in the world that values the individual. ONLY in western civilization. Eliminate and destroy Western Civilization and the remaining people are easy to control. They make good little slaves and drones.

    Even knowing and agreeing to everything above, my friend is still unable to say, “All cultures are not equal.” He will agree with the differences but to openly admit one is better. No he is incapable of saying it. That is how deeply people in general are and have been indroctionated into this liberal concept of equality. I could rant on for pages, but I have been verbose enough for this morning. Ya All have a great day and wonderful and Merry Christmas! May your New Year be blessed by the grace of God.


    1. Thanks.
