Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Comment on A Report from South Africa


My one friend and I have talked ad nauseam about our current culture war. And he agrees, Western Civilization is under attack. Yet, he is so indroctionated, he is unable to say / admit that not all cultures are equal. He has been so brow beaten that to admit it would make him racist. While solidly in the moderately far right. He is terrified of being thought a racist. He goes into shock every time I proudly brand myself a racist. No, I’m not but by making that declaration, I stop every liberals attack. I took back the power of that charge and it is now hollow.

Don’t agree with a liberal, their first attack, you’re just racist. I simply don’t let them get to that point. A preemptive attack by me and they are silenced. Take their meaningless attack away and most just stand there with a stupid look. They have never had to think past that point in an argument.

Back to point, he is so indroctionated with the concepts of “multiculturism,” “inclusion,” “tolerance,” and “equality,” he cannot get past them. He admits they do not work, they are destroying Western Civilization but just cannot seem to admit it to himself. Because by admitting these ideas are evil, he suddenly became a racist. And he just could not live with himself if he was. I think in time he will accept the truth, but he isn’t capable today.

The African culture like the Muslim culture are NOT compatible with Western Civilization culture. I am not saying we need to change them. But I am saying we need to be sure they do not change us. Because throughout history there has never been a case of two cultures coexisting. One culture dominates, and the other is destroyed, every time.

There is a reason the elites are pushing to destroy western civilization. Most do not know or realize but it is only in Western Civilization the individual matters. Below is an excerpt I got from somewhere, I wish I remembered, I would credit them. But it says exactly why our cultures are not compatible.

This Is Biggest Problem In Africa, Tribal Identity And Culture.

There is no concept whatsoever in African tradition that the individual matters. It's all about the tribe. You are born into a tribe, and that basically circumscribes most of your life. You work for the good of the tribe; you die (if necessary) for the good of the tribe (including older people walking out into the bush to starve if there isn't enough food, so that what's available will keep the youngsters - the future of the tribe - alive); you identify so strongly with your tribe that all others are regarded with, at best, suspicion, if not fear and/or hatred. You work to strengthen your tribe in every way possible, including by weakening all other tribes (this is why so many African civil servants will bend or break all the rules to accommodate their tribe, while applying them rigorously against the interests of others).

That that concept of individual is what the elites want to eliminate. It is much easier to make slaves from people with no concept of the individual. There in no other culture in the world that values the individual. ONLY in western civilization. Eliminate and destroy Western Civilization and the remaining people are easy to control. They make good little slaves and drones.

Even knowing and agreeing to everything above, my friend is still unable to say, “All cultures are not equal.” He will agree with the differences but to openly admit one is better. No he is incapable of saying it. That is how deeply people in general are and have been indroctionated into this liberal concept of equality. I could rant on for pages, but I have been verbose enough for this morning. Ya All have a great day and wonderful and Merry Christmas! May your New Year be blessed by the grace of God.