Sunday, December 30, 2018

Tar Heel (Ass Hole) of the Year: The Rev. William Barber — activist, advocate and preacher

Via Cousin John


 North Carolina’s Rev. William J. Barber II is The News & Observer’s 2018 Tar Heel of the Year. He led the state’s Moral Monday rallies as leader of the NC NAACP. The MacArthur Fellow has since launched a rebirth of the national Poor People’s Campaign.

 "Thoughts, prayers?"

 Absolutely disgusting.

Says more about the News & Observer than it doe about Barber, or our state.
Question: Is there any way to slow down our public institutions from churning out legions of liberal activists "journalists"?
Have we not seen enough yet to recognize that there is a fundamental problem with our tax payer funded centers of higher learning - particularly with regard to the journo departments?

 apparently the sole criteria is sheer size.

 The biggest damn joke of the decade

More @ Pack Pride


  1. Wonder where he obtained his degree. 10-1 odds it was at Calypso Louie's Tabernacle of the Flying Holy Progressive Golden Calf.

    1. But, but he's a minority whose endeavors cannot be questioned.......

  2. Ah yes...The Buffet Slayer.

    Y'all have a nice day.
