Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Hypocrisy of “Reconstruction”

 Image result for The Hypocrisy of “Reconstruction”

There were several reasons for the post-war “reconstruction” imposed upon the South that are seldom, if ever, mentioned in the “history” books in those government indoctrination centers we charitably continue to refer to as public schools.

One over-riding reason for reconstruction that is never mentioned was the almost fanatical hatred for the South, its culture and its institutions, especially the white South, among Northern Yankee/Marxist radicals, both political and religious. Hatred for the white South motivated the majority of those people much more than did their supposed and pretended “love” for the black man, which was, in most cases, a complete charade.


  1. Is there really any difference between reconstruction and communist re-education? None that I ever noticed.

  2. Reconstruction was the form of communism the Washington Establishment practiced on the South in the 1800s and on the rest of us a little later on. Do you wonder why I label those people as "yankee/Marxists?" Some think that is strange. I am endeavoring to show the connection.

  3. From the article: Lincoln never admitted that the Southern states had seceded. He said they only tried to. To have admitted that they were actually outside of the Union would have been to admit their right to secede.
    They had every right to secede just like they had a right not to
    join the union. And, the Confederate States of America had
    indeed seceded; they had formed their own gov, had a president
    and earned their own way. Sovereign they were. Lincoln's
    deceit is typical. Can't trust a one of them. Repeat,repeat,repeat........................

  4. To have admitted that they were actually outside of the Union would have been to admit their right to secede

    . Repeat,repeat,repeat............

    Better record that because you won't be able to repeat it enough:)

    1. It's so Constitutionally simple and clear. The United States has NO enumerated delegated power to prevent a State or States from secession. Therefore, according to the unambiguous wording of the 10th Amendment it may NOT prevent secession since without delegated power, it may do NOTHING! --Ron W

    2. Thanks and inconvenient facts for them. :)
