Sunday, February 17, 2019

Becoming More And More Apparent Every Day....

Via The Feral Irishman


  1. I can respect the optimism, but to not recognize this socialist country for what it is, makes the author look borderline retarded.
    Ahh, Notre Dame fan, Catholics are the some of the most socialist agents of the government. Makes sense they would try to hide the fact, they certainly touted that Carpetbagging insurance thief Joe Ditmar in Pittsboro.

  2. Soul? You mean what is left of it. Consider this, FRD ended his "a day that will live in infamy" speech invoking God, for His blessings. Fast forward to the DNC convention, where the delegates on national TV booed when God was mentioned. This same party now gives special privileges and status to a "religion" that has, from its' inception open hostility to Christianity. A Christians are the only group one can mock, attack and harass with minimal fear of negative consequences. In certain social circles it is a certain way to win more approval from your peers.

    I remember when the worst insult to call doctor was an abortionist. When there was zero doubt as to when life began or that unborn baby was a human being (ergo had a full right to life). Now to justify this abomination semantic word games and pretzel logic is employed to condone this evil act. We have reached the end stage where the pretenses have been dropped - Abortion on demand any time, for any reason what so ever and at the expense of the tax payer, regardless of consent to fund the practice. Any questioning of this semi-absolute right will invoke the full fury and rage of abortion rights activists and those who profit from it.

    There is much attention given to the topic of a second Civil War. During the first Civil War -I know, it ought to be referred to by more accurate title, reuniting as a single nation and people was the end goal. Should there be a second Civil War, there will be no attempt to "preserve the Union". The option of peace separation of the FUSA into two separate nations is very unlikely. The cultural Marxists have successfully so polarized this country that reconciliation is not going to happen. Those who have demonized any one who questions or disagrees with their collectivist view as "deplorables" or "haters" are not going to even consider that they could be wrong or apologize Nope, it's not going to happen. They are going to continue to suppress and destroy those who just want to left along. This is not going to end well.

    Remember the Lefties will use the 2020 elections to get their revenge for the loss of the 2016 election. The will never forgive those who did not vote the hoped for future "Madame President". If the rule of Law is of little restraint now, all hell will break lose once the Oval Office is theirs again. White males as a group are being targeted for all that is wrong, with traditional masculinity seen as "toxic".
