Friday, February 15, 2019

The Art of War – Counter-Insurgency Against the Red-Green Axis

Sun Tzu

Centuries ago the Chinese military scholar Sun Tzu wrote “The Art of War” in which he said:

In order to be victorious in battle, you must know your enemy.

Tzu taught his disciples and the thousands who have read his work that, to prosecute war successfully, an understanding of the enemy’s motivation, history, moral authority, goals, objectives, strengths, and weaknesses is essential to formulate a plan of action.

In America today, we are fighting against two separate insurgencies – Marxism (Collectivism, Democratic Socialism) and Islam (Jihad and Sharia Law).  Each has its own and very different world view, but they share one common goal – to destroy our constitutional republic that protects and secures the Natural Law Rights and sovereignty of the individual.  Working together, this Red-Green Axis has set in motion an agenda that will fundamentally change America from within.

What is Insurgency? As defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica:


  1. Please check latest article on "The Communist Take on Public Education, posted 2/15/19.
