Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Garden Update

4 Plots. Oscar, the Peacock, ate the Collards, hence the fencing.  They did come back though.

Picked at two weeks which was too late.

Image may contain: food 


  1. Ya know Brock, I have heard that peacock tastes just like pheasant.

    1. Maybe but much more expensive. A female in the off breeding season is about $75 but now it's $250.:( My male born here in 2002 has never been able to call one in from the woods although a pure white male showed up one day last year and since the two were getting along great eating together, I thought no need to catch the white one which was a big error as he was gone the next day. I have always kept fine feathered friends in a cage for a week or so to get used to the area before release.

  2. Brock I do envy your long garden season but not your heat and humidity! My Idaho garden season is just starting and I had to confine the chickens to their run because they love eating the tomato plants! Garden fence, one of the many items on the chore list.
    Your garden looks great!

    1. Thanks and send me a picture later on. I'm sure yours will be perfect! :) I'm eating yellow squash right now. They grow like wildfire!

    2. When the garden gets growing I will send a picture. I got a raspberry patch in this year and another strawberry patch.
      I love those yellow squash grilled over mesquite charcoal with onions and mushrooms with a little olive oil and salt and pepper! Yum!
