Sunday, August 4, 2019

Hungarian Government Will Give $33,000 Bonus to Married Couples Who Have Three Children

Via Red Pill Jew QUICK HITS: August 3, 2019

“Hungary has a long-term approach and opts for the more difficult path, as a result of which, however, Europe could become an economically strong, rejuvenated continent. Either we encourage births by placing the interests of families in the focus of politics, or we encourage ever further flows of migration,” they added.

The Hungarian government has announced measures to offer up to 10 million forints (€30,590 or £27,000) to married couples who have three children under its new pro-family budget.

The government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will offer the $33,000 payment in the form of a loan to the eligible couples upon their marriage which would have to be repaid until the couple has three children and then the debt would be forgiven, Le Figaro reports.More @ Breitbart

Around 2,400 families have already signed up and applied for the loan this month which is paid back in small payments each month. Should the couple have a child within a five-year period, the interest on the loan is suspended along with repayments suspended for three years.

More @ Breitbart


  1. Hi Brock,
    As an old "Hunky"... I'm Game!! Now to find a "Magyar Sweetie!!"
    Arpad!!.... aka skybill

  2. Surely they have run the numbers and deduced that this is an annual savings of X Monies, over contributing to the welfare of an enemy in their midst. Plus they get to tax it as income. I bet the enemies are not going to be too happy with this new law. Cut them Off! Cut them OFF!

    1. . I bet the enemies are not going to be too happy with this new law.

      Not at all.

  3. Perhaps it would be less expensive, and more effective to slip some powdered morning after pills into Certified Halal babaganouch, garbanzo beans, or ground lamb's meat. Feed them massive doses of Soy products to reduce the testosterone levels in their men folks. Hey, Hey, ...Oh wait, that's what is being done to our young men! Son of aaaa.

    1. Feed them massive doses of Soy products to reduce the testosterone levels in their men folks.

      Go for it!

  4. In general I am - on principle - opposed to government using funds like this. Given the Western "birth dearth" and the ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL NEED to reverse it, out of expediency and necessity I agree with this move.

    I wish I could have more. Have to trade the current spousal unit in for a younger model, however (she's old enough to have "Downs"-sides to getting pregnant - if you get my meaning). (That, and win the f*cking lottery!)
