Sunday, September 1, 2019

Ilhan Omar Tried to Murder Her New Lover's WIFE?!

Via G.W. Long via 90 Miles from Tyranny


Check out this thread, where the "hive mind" was at work. I think they nailed it!

/pol/ is investigating the mysterious death of a woman who resembles the wife of Ilhan Omar's lover

Two days ago a Dr. Beth Mynett filed for divorce as her husband Tim Mynett had been having an affair with Rep Ilhan Omar. ;

The next day an Ethiopian national "randomly" kills a girl named Margery Magill while walking a dog on a dc street. The girl killed visually looked very similar and could easily have been mistaken for Dr. Mynett even for the age difference.The murder took place very close to where Dr. Mynett works and lives.

So you're saying a nasty somali spy who should be deported for lying on her immigration forms, hired a hitman to kill her lover's wife, and the somali spy she picked got the wrong woman?

More @ POAL


  1. Please check latest on "The Bolshevik Revolution--Mostly made in America" posted 8/31. Thank you.

  2. There is ZERO doubt that the NSA/CIA etc. keep VERY close tabs on EVERYTHING that any congresscritter says or does including recording ALL of their communications. If in fact Omar is party to a 'hit' it's a virtual certainty that these agencies have the evidence of that being the case. It's also a guarantee they will NEVER allow said evidence to see the light of day. I'd bet the odds of this being a hit with the
    low IQ murderer killing the wrong person (the phrase 'they all look alike' works both ways) are about 10 to 1. The odds of Omar actually facing justice however are about a thousand to one.

  3. Why am I just learning this slimey act on 9/18/20? ...and not a peep of a congresswoman connected to this violent act in mainstream media. This shows how low they are and what they do to protect even corrupt Democrats.
