Monday, September 23, 2019

Protesters 'clean streets' after first LGBT+ pride in Polish Kalisz :)

Via Anonymous


  1. Smart move: Brooms soaked in bleach to kill the HIV virus.

  2. Charlotte's too far (for me), and Greenville would never get attention. What's the chances we can encourage, UNC-ch or another venue to host a pride parade. We already know the attention full white will get, maybe celebrate at Chick-Fil-A (registered trademark).
    Ohh, hell, let's just get hazmat suits and chill at the CFa.
    Any suggestions on a Q theme?

    Give me a few birds on the shoulder(U's guys close by), and I'll go holding a sign 'Islam writes about LBGTQ' or worse, on Franklin St, 31st. U.S. Marshall service uses a very high quality vest, so Alfred E. Newman.

    Ain't no jury gonna put up with those who defend degens, and I'll stake my personal freedom on that. We know what coming down the pipe the next few weeks, and rolling the dice ain't a problem.

    1. Thanks.
