Thursday, December 12, 2019

Virginia Gun Sanctuary Showdown: Words on Paper?

Via Iver


  1. I wish there was a list put out for groups in every state to tell people where and how they can help keep the2A... I mean do more then send money and/or make phone calls. It is hard here in Alabama to tell which is a real 2A supporter and which ones portray them self as one but are not

  2. Scott, ask a professional 2nd Amendment supporter if there is an enumerated delegated power in the Constitution for any gun control laws pertaining to the People. If he or she thinks so, say "show it to me in Article I, Section 8". According to the clear wording of the 10th Amendment, it can legally do NOTHING. The wording "shall not be infringed" in the 2nd Amendment is further restriction on the government that it may do NOTHING that in anyway restricts the right of the People to keep and bear arms". It doesn't give us a right, it DECLARES our right and RESTRICTS the government from doing anything!
