Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Van Jones Warns Democrats: Trump Is Winning Over Black Voters & James Carville: 'I'm Scared to Death' for Democratic Party

Via Billy

Sounds like the “woke” need to “wake up” some themselves.

That was the message from CNN analyst Van Jones after President Donald Trump’s stirring State of the Union address on Tuesday that put an emphasis on appealing to black voters.

Democrats captivated by the party’s far-left drift and liberals inside the Washington bubble might not realize it, Jones said, but Trump’s message is resonating with voting blocs Democrats have long taken for granted.


  1. Van Jones and Carvile are Both RABID COMMIE LIBS. They are sending out the Rally around their RED FLAG Communism Theology. This can be a signal to all the Not So Woke Enlightened Radicals to step up their game. This is the same message that Hillary has been spewing. RESIST!!
