Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Redacted Testimony That Fully Explains Why General MacArthur Was Fired Far beyond being insubordinate, the military leader seemed to not grasp the consequences of his desired strategy

Via Rick

General Douglas MacArthur

Harry Truman’s decision to fire Douglas MacArthur at the height of the Korean War in April 1951 shocked the American political system and astonished the world. Much of the world didn’t realize the president had the power to fire a five-star general; much of America didn’t realize Truman had the nerve.

But Truman did fire MacArthur, whose complaints against the commander in chief had grown louder and more public. MacArthur wanted to expand the war against China, which had entered the Korean fighting in late 1950. MacArthur complained that the president was tying his hands by forbidding the bombing of China, thereby sacrificing American lives and endangering American freedom.

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