Sunday, April 26, 2020

CA: Dr John Ioannidis Announces Results of COVID 19 Serology Study


  1. Brock, much like most of us instinctively knew this wasn't as worse as the standard seasonal flu. We listened to the "experts" and our bullshit meters were pegging hard at overload. Those of us that are nurses, and doctors and respiratory therapists just knew we were being fed a manure sammich. We have had other deadlier flu seasons and yes, we were slammed, but we didn't panic. Only reason we panicked now was the politicians and Bill Gates were interested and sicced their lackey msm commie freaks on it.

  2. Creating a scenario that keeps the populace frightened and panicked is the key to controlling every aspect of their lives. And when the plan matures 90 of the sheep will turn on the remaining 10% using shaming and threat of violence to bring the rebels into the fold.

    1. threat of violence

      Maybe that's when payback will begin.
