Saturday, June 6, 2020

Black Lives That Matter

On D-Day, everything everyone fought for, white, black, asian, native or hispanic has been overshadowed by the forces of communism using social justice as a cause. The one undeniable fact, if they are bothering to deny it, is that all of the damage done has been done in cities run by communist Democrats. Most of the black lives lost have been lost in communist democrat-run cities by police forces under their control, acting (it would be logical to conclude) under their direction. In Chicago, long run by communists (whether they admit it or not) black lives are cast away by the dozens and there are no protests for those black lives. If black lives truly mattered to these governors and mayors, they would not use them to their political advantage. They allow shootings to go on every day in order to get gun control legislation. They use it as an excuse, but those young black lives are lost and these mayors turn their backs, because they are benefiting politically. These same mayors can't stand people protesting to feed their families, run their businesses and make a living, but when their communist political allies, Antifa and BLM protest, the mayors protect them, let them out of jail as soon as they are arrested, the police are told to stand down. If the people want control of their cities, they have to start by ridding themselves of the communists in city, state and county governments.

More @ 12 Round

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