Saturday, June 6, 2020

Linh Dinh: America Burning, Plus Coronavirus Missives from Vietnam and Philly

 A North Vietnamese tank crashes through the gates of the ...
Coming soon to our nation?
 This crap is really the ultra-rich using idiots, from the left and right, doesn’t make a diff to me, they’re just tools, to bring back feudalism. It always was Marx’s real aim. Will we go thru another 1,500 years of minor kings and serfs with their knights keeping us barefoot and stupid? I don’t think that will happen. What Gates, Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller and all the other jackasses with too much money try to do, I don’t think they’ll succeed.
On June 4th, Common Dreams’ lead story is titled, “‘This Isn’t Going Away’: Defying Curfews and Police Brutality in Relentless Push for Justice, Uprising Over Killing of George Floyd Keeps Growing.”

The same day, I received a mass email from Jee Leong Koh, a Singaporean poet living in Harlem. In an 800-word statement about the ongoing protest, riot and looting, there’s this passage:

More @ UNZ


  1. The Philly thing is for real and not going away. The Marxists have been out for the last few days with their signs dancing around with no clue. In a way I feel for them and their ignorance as the bull they keep poking is just starting to notice. Once he spins with passion it will not be pretty!

  2. Why the hell would a Chinese guy from Singapore choose to live in Harlem? Africans-in-America hate Asians even more than they hate Whitey.
