Thursday, September 10, 2020

Rush Limbaugh: Trump's aim not 'unity' but 'overwhelming' defeat of left 'It's too late to try to find a way to get along with these people'

Via Billy
 a monument showing the line between the union and confederacy

"Overwhelming" defeat of the left should be President Trump's objective at the moment rather than national "unity," contends ralk-radio host Rush Limbaugh.

He highlighted to his listeners Thursday a focus group in which a woman who said she had voted for Trump in 2016 doubted she would do the same in 2020.

More @ WND


  1. It's not North South this time around. It's not even black or white. It's Bolshevik vs Free Men.

  2. It's not North South this time around. It's not even black or white. It's Bolshevik vs Free Men.

  3. That’s why we MUST defeat the Dems at every level, nationally AND locally. We must flip the House, keep the Senate and re-elect President Trump because the adults need to save our country. As it stands, the left is making 9-11 their nationwide goal.

  4. The Democratic party is the Party of Evil. The leadership of the Democratic party and their allies and supporters have made it clear they hate and wish destroy this country, Western Civilization and more importantly Christianity. There is no getting along with those people. They have openly stated their hate, contempt and rage at all who stand in the way of total political power. We have gone from being "Deplorables" to "enemies of the State". The will be no peace with the Left because they do not want it. They want absolute power and settle for nothing less.

  5. It is clear, now, that They will never accept a Trump victory. It is therefore incumbent upon Us to reject a Biden victory. We must, somehow, seperate from these people... or, as the man says, defeat them utterly.
