Monday, October 19, 2020

STUNNING BANNON INTERVIEW: Laptop of Hunter Biden and Information It Discloses - MAY MEAN END OF BIDEN CANDIDANCY

Via Richard


  1. But it won't. If it had anything, they would have said it already not dribble it out like this.

    Trump will win. Then Biden will go away.

    1. I'm afraid I would accept Biden getting off IF Trump wins.

    2. If Trump wins, Biden must be indicted for treason for selling out USA, along with his son. I will not accept Biden getting off. It's bad enough that Obama and the rest of the slimy deep state is getting away with treason, along with the Clinton crime family. Where do you draw the line, Brock?

    3. If Trump wins, Biden must be indicted for treason for selling out USA, along with his son. I will not accept Biden getting off. It's bad enough that Obama and the rest of the slimy deep state is getting away with treason, along with the Clinton crime family. Where do you draw the line, Brock?
