Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Nancy Pelosi Urging House Democrats to Not Join Biden Administration?

 Report: Nancy Pelosi Urging House Democrats to Not Join Biden Administration

Democratic members of the House of Representatives are being told not to join a potential Biden administration as part of a strategy to protect the fragile Democratic majority in the House, according to a new report.

The message to stay put is being delivered by both House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, according to the New York Post.

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  1. There is a much smaller chance of this than she thinks. But even if it does happen, the Democrats would only make the offer to House members in "safe states" where the governor would immediately appoint another safe democrat.


  2. True, but it could leave gaps until an appointee is named. IIRC, some states require elections for house members, not appointments, but I'd have to check. I know that there were 5 open seats as of the recent election, so in at least some cases seats are not filled before the next election.
    I don't think it's a big issue anyway - most appointments go to supporters or senators; relatively few go to Represenatives.
