Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sadly Fighting Your Own People

Lincoln launched his war in 1861 with the stated goal of maintaining the Union, and by use of force, to refuse recognition of those States choosing to form a more perfect Union of their own. After Lincoln had become disenchanted with several ineffectual commanders, he settled upon U.S. Grant who achieved some measure of success with relentless mass attacks upon numerically inferior numbers, the latter to be worn down by simple attrition.

Grant’s wife, Julia Dent, inherited thirty slaves and her father’s plantation, White Haven, making Grant the proprietor of a large slaveholding estate.  Grant was indifferent to slavery and no abolitionist, writing his father that “I am sure that I have but one desire in this war and that is to put down the rebellion. I have no hobby of my own with regard to the negro, either to effect his freedom or to continue his bondage.”

Appreciating a fellow autocrat who was consolidating scattered republics into a centralized empire, Bismarck supported Lincoln’s war and encouraged Germans to purchase Union war bonds – and by 1864, German immigrants made up fully one-quarter of Lincoln’s army.

More @ 1865


  1. The Southern States did NOT rebel. They seceded which was completely LAWFUL for "free and independent States" and for which the Constitution delegated NO power to the General Government to prevent.

    My high school American History teacher referred to him as "Ol' Useless Grant". --Ron W

    1. My high school American History teacher referred to him as "Ol' Useless Grant".

      Well said. :)

  2. Is "save the union" a code phrase for treachery, extortion, totalitarian dictatorship and genocide?

    I've been reading some at websites of historical newspapers leading up to Lincoln's War and beyond.

    The war of words and ideas filled the atmosphere then, too.

    It sometimes takes much other reading to sift the chaff from the wheat....

    1. Is "save the union" a code phrase for treachery, extortion, totalitarian dictatorship and genocide?

      Couldn't have been said better. Thanks.

    2. The paramount thing was and is to save a Republicsn form of government established by the Constitution:

      "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of government and shall protect each of them against Invasion...--Article IV, Section 4.

      That is to save not the union, but that around which the States unified. --Ron W
