Sunday, January 17, 2021

America and the world at a crossroad: either Trump foils the coup against him or the NWO will definitely arise

 Via Huongtam Nguyentran


Not only does Trump’s eventual inaction favor global dictatorship, but it will also destroy him and his family.There is no future as a businessman for Trump. 

The globalist mafia will scorch the earth around him. The DC attorney general is looking for ways to arrest him and his son.

If the mechanism is not stopped now, the Great Reset will be activated and it will overwhelm everyone and everything.

My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell was spotted at the White House last Friday.

Lindell carried with him some papers and some handwritten notes that suggest Trump is the best path to trigger the Insurrection Act and the consequent dealing of the emergency powers.

The Insurrection Act would mean the activation of the military courts to judge those who orchestrated riots or other subversive acts that can compromise the integrity and the stability of the Republic.

Apparently, the entrepreneur would have had a short meeting with Trump, where he presented the President with the best options to trigger these emergency powers, but it’s not clear if Trump took into consideration the recommendations of My Pillow CEO.

After the meeting, Lindell stated that he had only been a messenger who had received the task to forward a message to Trump from an attorney, whose name wasn’t disclosed.

More @ Lacrunadellago


  1. So the National Guard ranks have swollen to something like 25,000 members in and around the District of Columbia to "protect the Capital City, and all of the Politicians, lobbyists, National treasures, and properties" from the Narre-do-wells? The Very LYING COMMIE CROOKS (Estimated 92% of all DC Politicians) are being "Protected" by the very peoples whom they Hate, Despise and Mock? These guys and Gals are sleeping on the floors of the Capital Bldg. What kind of facilities in the area are designed to handle 25K troops for two weeks? How much does this cost? Then you read about this:

    WHAT A SLAP IN THE FACE... A Literal Kick in the Balls, and a Punch to the THROAT!! UN-FRIGGING-BELIEVABLE!!

  2. Yes, the greatest crossroad.

    Ran across this very short video today of how the "left" won the election. Website is called "Telegram".

    Short, to the point, and could help in showing others what happened. One minute and fourteen seconds.

    1. Good find and thanks.

  3. J8-10
    "I think he genuinely wanted to. But didn't have the loyalty of the military or the doj. With no enforcement it doesn't matter what he wants"

  4. Q has more credibility than the MSM. Trump will cross the Rubicon and he has plenty of help.

  5. Some Executive Orders that are worth thinking about:

    January 18th:

    January 15th:

    January 14th:

    January 13th:


    including this on January 8th:

    and several Proclamations. Here is one, on January 18th:

  6. In this section:

    On January 18th:

    On January 5th:

    "...I hereby report that I have issued an Executive Order declaring additional steps to be taken concerning the national emergency with respect to the information and communications technology and services supply chain declared in Executive Order 13873 of May 15, 2019...."

    I do not know where to look to compare these actions with the actions of administrations in the days just before an inauguration.

    1. Thanks for all the work putting these together.
