Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Pence defies Trump, says he can't reject electoral votes

 WHAT WAS THE TOPIC? What Were V.P. Mike Pence and Speaker Paul Ryan Talking  About? - YouTube

Defying President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence said Wednesday that he does not have the power to discard electoral votes that will make Democrat Joe Biden the next president on Jan. 20.

Pence said in a statement issued minutes before hewas to begin presiding over a joint session of Congress to count those votes that it was "my considered judgement that my oath to support and defend the Constitution constrains me from claiming unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted and which should not.”

More @ ONN


  1. I hate to say " I told you so" but I did. I have said all along that EVERY person and organization that could possibly stop the lefts coup was long ago infiltrated, subverted or suborned. We may never know how or when Pence was compromised but I was certain they had done so. The left has spent YEARS and MILLIONS planning and implementing this coup. They are evil, not stupid. And they have covered ALL the contingencies. The ONLY recourse left to prevent the coup from succeeding is We The People acting. Not talking, not protesting...ACTING. The only course left for freedom is war. Today is the day to decide. Either it's 1776 again or it's 1984 .....forever.

    1. Today is the day to decide. Either it's 1776 again or it's 1984 .....forever.

      Well said.

  2. Cash? Pictures of his family with superimposed crosshairs? Both?

  3. What exactly is in that circle? The article doesn't mention anything.

    1. An envelope and there were more given out.. I'm 99% it's money in some form.
