Friday, January 22, 2021

The Mainspring of Human Conduct

 Alabama Judicial System

Address of Judge John A. Campbell, Decoration of Confederate Graves, May 1, 1874

“It is well for us to recur to the principle underlying the Confederate movement. Never was a cause apparently less understood or more maligned. The history of the world furnishes many instances of revolutions, rebellions and wars for insufficient causes. The maintenance of the claims of an individual or family to supreme authority, trivial complaints, trifling affronts, desire for aggrandizement, pride and ambition, have been prolific causes of popular uprisings or national contests. But none of these actuated our movement.

More @ Circa 1865


  1. Brock, do you know this was the first time a Confederate flag has been
    the Capitol Bld. Hallelujah. If Gen. Early hadn't hesitated for so long, there would have been Confederate flags all over DC.

    1. this was the first time a Confederate flag has been
      the Capitol Bld.

      The Raleigh or DC capitol buildings?

    2. The protest in DC on the 6th. You don't remember seeing the
      Confederate flag flying high in the Capital Bld.? He was

    3. Oh, the man that had it over his shoulder, I see. Can't put my finger on it right now, but there was an an observation that he might have been ANTIFA. Thanks.
