Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Nobility of Savages: Cold Water on a Hot Topic


Tuscaroras And (My Family) 

"The massacre was a Day of Remembrance in NC for over 100 years, and *reports state that women were killed by having saplings forced into their vaginas."

As part of wokedom’s fantasy-ridden fascination with indigenes, sports teams, such as the Redskins and Braves, race to change names. (For Washington’s team, the Federal Folders has been suggested.) Outraged conservatives see the changes as nauseating prissiness by historically illiterate ninnies. It is every bit of this. Still, the teams should be renamed. What civilized nation would name teams after murderous, torturing stone-age savages? Which the Indians were.

Yes, I know. Quite. Today one shouldn’t refer to torturing stone-age savages as torturing stone-age savages. No, the Indians were contemplative, spiritual beings at one with nature, living simply and nobly, like a pudding of Buddha and Henry David Thoreau.

More @ UNZ


  1. Nobody wants to ask just how it was that a mere 500 Spaniards were able to overcome the largest Empire in Central America. When one examines the reality one finds virtually all the other peoples of Central America hated the Aztecs. Why? Because they were tired of having their people's kidnapped Fort slaves and four victims of their human sacrifices. They eagerly join forces with Cortez to destroy their oppressors.

    The peoples of the new world wern't some Noble Savages, they were for the most part just Savages. Indeed somewhere more peaceful Savages than others but they were Savages nonetheless. None of them possessed a written language, the wheel or the ability to smelt iron. In short they were some 5000 years behind the rest of the world on the social evolutionary scale.

    1. The only ones who actually had anything resembling a wheel were the Maya - for a calendar. This calendar was only accessible to a select few people... They were aware of the wheel yet, somehow the use or development was either not considered (very unlikely) or restricted (the ruling class? Why?)

    2. We know from archaeology that the Incas used wheels on "toys" but never used carts in their daily lives. I always thought that was strange. When I was in college one of my Geography professors showed my class a slide show relating to a dig he participated in and of the Incan ruins, etc. He showed us a tiny solid gold "toy" with landing gear down that could pass for a modern jet fighter they dug up among the ruins.

    3. Wow, wish you had taken a picture.

  2. It is said that the Cherokee were called "the civilized tribe". I have some Cherokee ancestry on both sides of my family, but otherwise don't know a lot of detailed history of them beyond "The Trail of Tears". Some years ago, I read a historical theory that the Cherokee were descendants of some of the Hebrews who escaped the Roman destruction and subjugation of ancient Israel and Judah and were able to make somehow make it to America with the seafaring capabilities of some of the seafaring Mediterrean peoples. The theory pointed to remarkable similarities in Cherokee religious symbols, artifacts and beliefs discovered in the Mid South. Also, supposedly the Cherokee were favorably disposed toward the introduction of the Christian Faith in that it proclaimed the prophesied Messiah of Israel from the Hebrew Scriptures. Just wondering if anyone else has heard that? If true about them being "the civilized tribe" it seems a real travesty that the Cherokee were forcibly uprooted than simply being allowed to peaceably remain and either integrate into the majority society or live in a more segregated way, just as other groups of immigrants have done.
    --Ron W

    1. Thanks and I found this on a search as I remembered something similar:

      “Would-be Black Hebrew Traces ‘Jewish Heritage’ via Cherokee Roots.” (This ingenious piece is by Sheera Claire Frenkel.)

    2. Among the tribes of NA the Cherokee were the first if not only tribe to recognize that the flow of Europeans was not going to stop and that adaptation was a better path. They soon formally developed the means of writing their language and adopted a written tribal constitution based on our own.
      For all their efforts Andrew Jackson still crapped all over them and gave in to the greed for land.

    3. The Cherokee Declaration of Independence: Why the Cherokees Allied with the South in 1861

      & many more hits on FNC and NamSouth.

  3. Check out the Book of Mormon. There in is the account of Three Separate groups of Peoples coming from the Middle East starting from the destruction of the Tower of Babel in the Book of Ether.

  4. That was a great article and yes, that is exactly what natives did to early Europeans. One of the greatest massacres of white settlers in North America occurred at Ft. Mims, Alabama about 40 miles north of Mobile, AL. A  Creek Indian band of Red Sticks stormed the fort and massacred app. 500 whites, some black slaves, and taking about 100 captives. Those who perished died in the most horrific fashion. Seven months later and in reprisal to that massacre, the largest number of Indians ever killed in a single one day battle in the history of North America took place when Andrew Jackson and his forces of U.S. Army, app. 600 mounted Cherokee warriors and some Choctaws, some allied Creeks, caught the Red Sticks on a peninsula in the Tallapoosa River near present day Dadeville, AL. App. 900 Red Sticks were killed. Jackson's men cut the noses off the dead warriors to achieve an "accurate count". Some of his men even made him a bridle out the skins of some of the enemy dead.

    1. Thanks and I didn't know the story.

    2. This was posted in 2013 on the Incas.

    3. Most of the Central and South American tribes were big on human sacrifice. While it did occur in what is now the southwestern U.S., it was never on the scale of the Mayans, Incans, or Aztecs.
      There is an account in the book "Mounds in the Mist" (a book that deals with the Pinson mound builder culture published in 1969 and details the early surveying expedition into west TN and west KY). In the book there is an account where the surveyors describe the Choctaw's belief system was nothing like theirs. One writes "they would think no more of taking a small unwanted or defective infant by the ankles and braining it against a tree than we would of squashing a bug". There is no way we could relate to their value system or them ours.

    4. There is no way we could relate to their value system or them ours.

      That's for sure and thanks.

    5. Jeffery, then, just as now, the difference is a spiritual one. Those cultures IMO were given over to pervasive demonic and satanic influence vs. the One True God. In the Old Testament, infants were offered to the fire god, Molech. Now they are offered up in sterile, unseen medical procedures to the abortionist for any and all reasons. We also have the supposed secular system of Communism being pervasively promoted by the admitted Marxist Black Lives Matter. I saw an article featuring an interview with one of their "trained Marxists", saying she communed with spirit guides (demons). They too are promoting the same basic "value system" of slavery, poverty and death" as the supposed savage tribes of the past. --Ron W

    6. Now they are offered up in sterile, unseen medical procedures to the abortionist for any and all reasons.

