Friday, January 8, 2021

The Old Guard

Via Neill 

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For now Nancy Pelosi is calling for an immediate impeachment of President Trump, blaming him for what happened yesterday. She said he’s a “dangerous man, dangerous to the democracy and to the American people.” It’s funny but Trump supporters, who she refers to as “Trump thugs,” were let into the Capitol by Capitol policemen. 
It was caught on video and it was part of their plan. The Capitol is one of the most Secure federal buildings in the nation. I learned that from serving in The Old Guard. It’s the main responsibility of the President’s Guard, to keep our Nation’s Capitol safe. What happened yesterday was a definitely a setup!


  1. The best defense is a vigorous offense. Peloser knows the left MUST keep the populace distracted while they put the finishing touches on their coup. Some grandstanding and another circus posing as an impeachment could buy them a month or more. And their faithful media whores will be more than happy to beat the impeachment drum as loudly and as long as desired. Gives the left vital time to keep people from asking awkward questions they'd rather not deal with. Expect LOTS of manufactured emergencies to keep the gullible distracted.
