Thursday, February 4, 2021

NC: Woke Studies: State Board of Education Votes 7-5 to Approve New ‘America is Racist’ Social Studies Curriculum

 Via Cousin John


All five Republicans on the State Board of Education voted against the measure that member Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson, the most vocal opponent of the new standards, deems divisive and overtly political. Yet the seven Democrats on the Board are not backing off their drive to transform education, and American history specifically, into the Woke version necessary to advance their cause.

Those members, like the Radical Leftist James Ford, contend that the days of hailing American exceptionalism are gone because America is “getting browner.” He shares the delusion that the traditional education curriculum presents America as flawless, and the interest in presenting it has inherently and systemically racist.

More @ First In Freedom


  1. The ONLY realistic solution to the problem being forced on us is to act. And do so decisively and with finality. These sociopathic commies will never give up, never quit, never go away, never allow us to exist as anything but slaves. It's us or them....

  2. Some call them "liberals", but they most definitely are NOT! --Ron W

  3. This is what commies do to a country once they take over. See it
    and weep. The two notable terrorist groups Antifa and BLM were
    created by you know who. They are protected and financed. Remember
