Tuesday, February 9, 2021

New Zealand's Path to Prosperity Began With Rejecting Democratic Socialism

Via Huong-Can Thi Nguyen

New Zealand’s experience is one of numerous examples in which socialism caused ruin that capitalism then fixed. 

 Editor's note: A shorter version of this article was recently published in both English and Spanish at ELAMERICAN.COM).

For producing both material goods and personal fulfillment, freedom makes all the difference in the world. One country that proved that convincingly in the last 40 years is New Zealand. It is a model from which nations the world over can learn a great deal.

Situated in the South Pacific midway between the equator and the South Pole, New Zealand is two-thirds the size of California. Its 5.1 million inhabitants live on two main islands and a scattering of tiny ones. From my multiple visits there, I can confidently claim it to be among the world’s most geologically diverse and beautiful destinations.

More @ FEE


  1. Maybe if they kick out the "Karen" they voted into office they can start recovery 2.0.
