Thursday, February 11, 2021

Supreme Court Will Decide Whether Police Can Enter A Home To Seize Guns Without A Warrant

 Supreme Court Telephone Arguments

The Fourth Amendment right against warrantless searches of a person’s home is a pillar of Americans’ constitutional liberties. Before a police officer or any other government official can enter your home, they must show a judge that they have probable cause that they will discover specific evidence of a crime. 

There are some limited exceptions to this right. There is an “exigent circumstances” exception. If a police officer looks through a home’s window and sees a person about to stab another person, the officer can burst through the door to prevent the attack. There is also the “emergency aid” exception. If the officer looked through the same window and saw the resident collapsing from an apparent heart attack, the officer could run into the house to administer aid. Neither of these cases violates the Fourth Amendment and few would argue that it should be otherwise. 

More @ Forbes


  1. Why is this even an issue when judges will grant warrents like candy?


  2. I don't see the words "exigent circumstances" in the 4th Amendment..... A CORRECT reading of that Right shows that ALL searches conducted by ANY government agent REQUIRES a warrant spelling out EXACTLY where the search is to be conducted and EXACTLY what is being search for. ANYTHING ad ANYPLACE not in the warran is OFF LIMITS to the search. Over the past two centuries the criminal courts and the black robed pirates infesting them have whittled away at the 4th Amendment....and the rest of our rights....till they are nonexistent. Even the idea that ANY government agent can enter a home for ANY reason EVER is anathema. And an act that MUST be resisted with all force necessary.

    1. I don't see the words "exigent circumstances" in the 4th Amendment....

      Good point.

  3. It's a clear violation of the 4th Amendment IF the judges can read at Jr High level and more importantly, HEED WHAT THEY READ as is demanded of them in Article VI of the Constitution, that all judges SHALL BE BOUND BY THE LAW! Judges are NOT independent! They must OBEY THE LAW!! --Ron W

    1. IF the judges can read at Jr High level

      Commies, all.

  4. You know, Forbes is owned by China since 2014.
    Forbes's old motto, "Capitalist Tool," has been unofficially changed to Forbes, Chinese Communist Tool.

    You have been warned: be wary of Forbes and its content.
