Wednesday, April 14, 2021

High School Student Destroys SJW Teacher (Dated)

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15 seconds

15 seconds


  1. What a poor example of a teacher!

    When I was a boy in school, I never had a teacher act like that, constantly arguing, accusing, name calling, interrupting, and being disrespectful.

    My teachers would never permit a boy to wear his baseball cap in class, and I wasn't permitted to go to school with torn blue jeans.

    Education in our schools has definitely gone downhill, which is yet another factor in favor of home schooling.

    1. Commies do as commies do. :)

      Following is the homeschool we used. Thanks.

  2. I stopped listening after the indoctrinator said, "You are dealing with a very intelligent woman." She's not saying this because it's true, she's saying this because she's trying to convince herself.
    There really is no hope. we're done as a country it's time to start divvying up the country, as there is no common ground with creatures like this. They want us dead and they won't be happy until we are. Five to one this indoctrinator is an escapee from The Center For The Visually Unpleasant. Her voice simply oozes ugliness. Another worthless blob of self-loathing.

    1. there is no common ground with creatures like this. They want us dead and they won't be happy until we are.

