Saturday, April 17, 2021

NC: Task Force to Fight Critical Race Theory in Schools.

 Via Tom

The state's lieutenant governor announces a task force to fight critical race theory in schools.

Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson is seeking to provide support for parents, teachers, and most importantly, students who are willing to stand up for North Carolina's future by exposing indoctrination in the classroom and ensuring that our students are taught how to think - not what to think. The Office of the Lieutenant Governor is establishing a Task Force (FACTS) to monitor the state of affairs within North Carolina classrooms. The primary goal of this task force is to allow the voices of concerned citizens to be heard regarding public K-12 education in North Carolina.

The FACTS Task Force advisory board is composed of education professionals representing all levels of K-12 including teachers, administrators, and university professors.

Purpose of the Task Force.

More @ LT GOV


  1. Forget the CRT idocy. Forget that imposition of biased OPINION into the curriculum is a violation of student and parental rights.

    What the hell is that woman thinking? That skintight, ugly green "clothing" is an abomination to the eyes.

    That, alone, should disqualify her from any public advocacy.

    Because she's clearly deluded about her attractiveness.
