Friday, May 21, 2021

Federal Judge Sides With Biden, Rules Christian College Must Allow Biological Men to Share Showers With Women

A federal judge ruled Wednesday that a Christian college has to abide by the Biden administration’s rule and allow students of the opposite biological sex to share dorms and shower spaces.

The ruling: Judge Roseann Ketchmark of the District Court of Western Missouri sided with the administration in a lawsuit filed by the College of the Ozarks and denies a request for a temporary restraining order.

More @ RTM


  1. A certain judge needs to be impeached and disbarred, tarred (petroleum) and feathered then drawn and quartered. That is a travesty of a court ruling for a Christian College. My daughter or any other female family member had she wanted to go there would have been persuaded not too. Reason # 4,234,980 to have biden and the ho removed with extreme prejudice.

  2. Why would a "Christian" college allow a twisted sister on its premises ?

    I would like to grab the guy who developed captcha and stick his head in the toilet, and abuse him for several hours. I would venture that many people are deterred from commenting by the captcha

  3. Why do Christian colleges allow women? There are better ways for people to find spouses. This tranny insanity flows directly from feminism.

  4. Just part of the plot to destroy normal decent America. Pedo Joe issues an edict mandating perversions. An Obozo appointed judge rubber stamps it. Now a "plant" from the commie left will enroll at this school....."come out" and demand to be allowed in the women's dorm etc. and when denied file a lawsuit with the goal of destroying a conservative school. It's really not hard to figure out what they are doing and why.

  5. judge needs to be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail!

  6. I wonder if ninty proof nancy would let me piss in her toilet at the people's house. I promise to not piss on the seat.

  7. Does the college receive federal funds? Refusing to take federal funds might mean being able to refuse such decisions.

    1. Don't know but I do know Hillsdale doesn't.

  8. 2 to the chest and one to the head will discourage men from trying to share showers with the women at the college. Station a few pissed off boyfriends at the doors and it'll never get past this liberal judges sick judgemental.

    1. Mind boggling that we are even discussing this travesty.

  9. I would not have a kid going there. Withdraw and find another place,,

    1. Patrick Henry is a good one as well as Hillsdale.
