Friday, May 21, 2021

Former FBI Director Donated $100K To Biden Grandchildren’s Trust While He Was Soliciting Biden For Work: Report

 Freeh Biden

In an investigative piece published Thursday, the Daily Mail‘s Josh Boswell reports that former FBI Director Louis Freeh donated $100,000 to a private trust for Joe Biden’s grandchildren in 2016, when Biden still served as vice president, but during that same year he was soliciting Biden’s son Hunter and possibly Biden himself about future work, telling Hunter Biden, “I would like to talk with you and Dad about working together next year.

More @ The Daily Wire


  1. Remember.....ethics, morality and most importantly THE RULES don't apply to the left.

  2. Is there anyone in the USA ruling hierarchy who isn’t “on the take”? The Congress is totally bought………The Politicians refuse to make public their Tax Returns public, The FBI leadership has been rotten for 60+ years(possibly longer), and the CIA is accountable to NO ONE.(How do all of the Opiates from Afghanistan reach the American ‘consumer’?)

    The only people who have to obey the law are “The People”(in the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave)

    Brock, have you ever tried Kratom? One can try it for free
    on the Natural Blaze website and was just wondering if there
    is anything to it.

    1. No and I had to read up on it. Interesting.

      Kratom is a tropical tree (Mitragyna speciosa) native to Southeast Asia, with leaves that contain compounds that can have psychotropic (mind-altering) effects.

      Kratom is not currently an illegal substance and has been easy to order on the internet. It is sometimes sold as a green powder in packets labeled "not for human consumption." It is also sometimes sold as an extract or gum.

    2. If it's free, I would try it but I don't see where it is offered on the site.

  3. This is the advertisement on Natural Blaze which comes into
    my email. Did not see it on a web search off of internet.

    I did order it but did not feel anything different from
    the same ol' same ol'. Just wondering.

    1. According to Natural Blaze, kratom isn't an opiate but functions similarly by attaching to activating opioid receptors in the brain

  4. Thanks - good and truthful article and sort of way out there.
    A friend and her boyfriend did LSD and said they literally left
    their bodies. They could see themselves sitting down from afar.
    I didn't understand and thought it was for real. Never mind.
    You said you never tried Magic Mushrooms - kind of interesting
    from what I have read. Not a hallucinogenic from what I gathered.

    1. Opium has a lot to say about it.

    2. Vietnam seems to be a free to try country unlike this place
      except in the 70's. What was opium like? Was it a hallucinogenic?
      Someone asked where all that opium is going to from Afghanistan.
      I guess 'somebodies' are making billions off this crop and
      destroying lives.
      Could not get comment to go thru, for some reason. Reborn.
      Tried for over two hrs.

    3. Could not get comment to go thru, for some reason. Reborn.
      Tried for over two hrs.

      Strange and sorry.

      Afghanistan: Known for their hash.I still have my pipe and it smells good!:)

      No and 'you would lie around on mats while fans blew across the room and quiet Vietnamese music played. (Which is all you wanted to do when you smoked opium. Absolutely nothing else interested you)
