Sunday, June 27, 2021

Trump OHIO RALLY 6/26/21

Via Huong-Can Thi Nguyen                       

           May be an image of one or more people, people standing and outdoors


  1. Question:
    You seem to be a Trump fan, so I ask:

    What is the expectation of these people ? Trump will do what ?

    During four years of presidency, Trump managed to pick not one person who genuinely supported his alleged cause, and did not betray him and the cause the people hoped Trump was espousing. Today Trump is still hanging out with the same enemy aliens of the Republican Party.

    How could repeating the same process produce a different outcome ? in 2024 and beyond

    Is there, anywhere in the United States, a credible effort to institute paper ballots only ? no machines of any sort, whatsoever, only christian youth volunteers counting paper votes

    Paper ballots with citizenship card is a pre-requisite and the very first step to cleaning house.

    Why is Trump not handing out a copy of "Votescam" to everyone of his audience ?

    1. Trump managed to pick not one person who genuinely supported his alleged cause, and did not betray him and the cause the people hoped Trump was espousing.

      I don't agree and do you think the election was fair and honest? Thanks.

  2. There hasn't been an election "fair and honest" in your life-time; so it is neither here nor there.

    The question regarding the 2016 election is:
    has the man in charge of the voting machine made a horrible error, or has he pulled the lever in Trump's behalf on purpose ?

    If we like conspiracy theory, we could entertain the idea that the Russians outwitted the man in charge of the voting machine and played a trick on him.

    My question regarding the 2020 election is:
    Why hasn't Trump and the whole-entire Republican machine, said a word about vote fraud from February to October ?
    Trump, Limbaugh, Patrick Buchanan knew a lot more about Votescam than I do.

    1. Why hasn't Trump and the whole-entire Republican machine, said a word about vote fraud from February to October ?
      Trump, Limbaugh, Patrick Buchanan knew a lot more about Votescam than I do.

      Because some fraud was always present as you stated, but nothing as huge as this one with even Roberts admitting that the Texas suit was valid but there were no riots now and he didn't want to hear anything more about. Just amazing.

  3. Or, they kept the minds of the ditto-heads and Trupeters occupied ---just as this year the Trump-O'Riley road-show keeps their mind occupied. Otherwise, by some accident, they might turn to real leaders and real solutions.

    Limbaugh spent three years telling every ditto-head that it is im-possible to rig the whole-entire U.S. election.
    In September, Trump was on the Limbaugh show for two hours ---not a word of warning about the possibility of a massive vote fraud. And in November, December, January, Limbaugh, Trump and the Republican machinery did what ?!

    Are we expected to believe that the exact-same Trump and the exact-same Republican machinery (and all the new-fangled ditto-head radios) will produce a different outcome in 2024 and beyond ?!

    In 1992 the vote fraud was massive enough that without it, Ross Perot would have become President.
    In 1988 the vote fraud was massive enough that without it, George Bush wouldn't have been candidate, much less President.
    In 1960 the vote fraud was massive enough that without it Richard Nixon would have become President.

    In 2008 the fraud was massive enough that the Obama became President.
    In 2012 the fraud was massive enough that the Obama became President.
    In 2004 the fraud was massive enough that the Bush became President.
    In 2000 the fraud was massive enough that Patrick Buchanan got nowhere ---or he was just making sure the Bush became President.

    "Fooled me once or twice, so might as well keep on fooling me" is that the ditto-head slogan ?

    1. In 1992 the vote fraud was massive enough that without it, Ross Perot would have become President.

      I thought he pulled out of it before the end.

  4. Perot's reason for running is open to question. He said all the righ things, but what his goal was, we don't know. But the people did vote for him, and in an honestly-counted paper-ballot election he would have had to take the office.

    In the fraudulent theatre project he was only given 19% of the votes by the man in charge of the voting machine.
