Thursday, July 22, 2021

Democrats Are Playing a Cynical Game With the Latest COVID Hysteria

 Via Billy

If you are paying attention to the current rhetoric and hysteria being pushed by Democrats and their media allies, you’d likely be under the impression that we are in the midst of another massive, devastating COVID wave. In fact, there’s little to distinguish what we are seeing from the left today in contrast to what we were seeing half a year ago when we were actually seeing 3000+ deaths a day.

The latest fear porn comes courtesy of the “Delta” variant, which began in India and has become the predominant point of discussion here in the United States. But does the data support the ridiculous reactions we are currently seeing?

In a word — no.

More @ Red State


  1. Remember a lot of doctors diagnose everything as covid; influenza, pneumonia, TB, heart disease, the common cold, bad breath, athletes foot, erectile dysfunction, hay fever, eczema, an on and on and on. That way the doctors and hospitals can rake in more government cash.

    1. Covid is their money maker whatever the real reason.

  2. I think the Republicans are in on this too. "Mitch McConnell Orders Americans to Get Vaxxed (in The Strongest Possible Terms) or we Face Massive Lock-Downs this Fall- vid clip"

  3. Those are rookie numbers. More, harder, faster, I aint getting any younger.

  4. when a vaxxed person wants to say It’s selfish and unacceptable not to be vaccinated and the unvaccinated are putting other people life’s at risk and the unvaxxed should be punished or forced to take shot? I camly put life into perspective.So you say I should get vaccinated so I want put others at risk and your totally acceptable with that.? They replied yes.. my response is. Ok that means your totatally acceptable with teenagers getting vaccinated and having serious side affects that can disable them for the rest of their lives or have side effects for the rest of their lives or even kill them? You are ok and fully acceptable with that since you think every one needs to be vaccinated ? And you know. “”It’s for the grater good “””if that was one of your kids would you be ok with it?there’s no straddling the fence because this is happening every day ,so it ok one to happen to even 1 child in you opinion? At that point the vaxxed doesn’t want to talk anymore. But this is a real issue. Why do the vaccinated people think it’s ok for children to have life changing side effects to safe another life ? Who is the judge of this on earth and who appointed them in that position? Last time I checked That was GODS job!

  5. Bad news/good news.

    Bad news. There's a new variant that's even more dangerous...coming out of Hawaii...'The Delta Tau Chi' variant.

    Good news. Appears the only ones at risk are German WWII veterans who were in the vicinity of Pearl Harbor.
