Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Gee, This Oughta' Work Well: Biden Admin ........ Removes GPA Requirement To Provide Access To ‘Students Of Color’


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48 Scholarships with no GPA requirement for 2021

The Biden administration announced a plan to expand tuition breaks for future teachers and remove GPA requirements for grant recipients in hopes of providing access to “students of color.” 

The Department of Education oversees the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) grant program, which provides tuition breaks for students obtaining degrees in education who commit to teaching in “high-need fields and underserved schools” for four years after graduation. The Biden administration, with the support of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, announced that the annual grant amount for third and fourth-year students will double to $8,000 per recipient.

 More @ The Daily Wire


  1. Prepare for more collapsible bridges and dangerous dams.....when EVERYONE is entitled to a STEM degree it quickly becomes worthless...just like the work of said degree holders.
