Saturday, July 17, 2021

Key Senator Pat Toomey Says No on Biden’s ATF Nominee

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Republican Senator Pat Toomey, who is retiring in 2022, will vote against President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

“Meaningful progress on gun safety will only be possible when members of Congress and the executive branch drop the politics and hyperbole and focus on the possible. That likely will not happen if the ATF—the law enforcement agency tasked with enforcing the nation’s firearm laws—cannot be impartial in carrying out its duties,”

More @ RTM


  1. The ATF is quite an orginization. I bought a Beretta Tom Cat on 07 March 2018 that had been confiscated by our local sheriff's dept. and sold to a pawn shop here. It has scratches all over the serial number so I called ATF and asked was it legal or would I get in trouble for having it. They asked for a photo of the gun and I sent them one. They told me to put it in a safe place and one of their agents would contact me and come by and look at it. It's still in that safe place and I haven't heard anything from their agent yet. Here's the photo I sent them:

    1. Today they would probably arrest you. :) That is interesting, as someone attempted to file off the number but didn't succeed.

  2. I have contacted both of my senators about chipman, and expressed my opinion that chipman has no business as head of this illegal agency. They both agreed with me and assured me that they would not be voting in the affirmative for him. I would encourage everyone to do the same.
