Thursday, July 29, 2021

South Viet Nam Air Force - 1975 - Operations

The Cooper-Church Amendment had a profound effect on the morale and outlook of South Vietnamese leaders at all levels. No longer was there a lever to deter the North Vietnamese from building up forces for an all out fight for a military victory. Only the threat of resuming the bombing restrained North Vietnam. With the amendment, this threat was neutralized. Finally, whereas U.S. airpower had been decisive in halting the 1968 and 1972 offensives, that firepower would no longer be available. Confronted with these factors and the curtailment of money and equipment, Vietnamese leadership stood at the crossroads on the brink of the 1975 offensive. 

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  1. Great article.
    Fascinating details.
    I didn't realize the anti-aircraft strength advantage NVN had, and the role it played.

  2. I didn't realize the anti-aircraft strength advantage NVN had, and the role it played.

    Yes, thanks and I'm going to get back with you concerning my knowledge of this affair. Thanks.

    1. Thanks and I just put another one up and will write something on the last few months later. Thanks for the interest.
