Monday, August 16, 2021

On Afghanistan

Doug Stephens IV went to the Sam Davis Youth Camp for 7 years in a row as did Dixie.

Afghans Tell of Executions, Forced 'Marriages' in Taliban-Held Areas - WSJ

 I began thinking about this post yesterday, when news came in that Taliban forces had re-taken Mazar-i-Sherif, the city in Balkh province that was the site of their first defeat after U.S. special forces units entered the country in October 2001. In the hours since, what was already a growing disaster has accelerated into catastrophe, and the remaining American units in Kabul are digging in for what may be a days-long siege as Afghan and foreign refugees are airlifted out of country. At this point, the last thing anyone needs is another opinion about what should have been done. But I will weigh in anyway, on one narrow point: the blame for this historic and worsening disaster falls, not just on the current administration, but on every administration since 2001. Are we watching the worst imaginable implementation of a withdrawal “plan”? Sure seems that way. But that can’t blind us to the fact that U.S. involvement in Afghanistan was /designed/ to be impossible to withdraw from.]

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  1. Oh, it goes further back than 2001. Remember Iran-Contra? Then, step back even further and look at our foreign polices since the end of WWII. Not good.
