Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Democratic Party

Via Allen G Aycock

                                                          May be an image of text that says 'The Democrat Party is the world's most successful hate group. It attracts poor people who hate rich people, black people who hate white people, gay people who hate straight people, feminists who hate men, environmentalists who hate the internal combustion engine, and a lot of bratty college kids who hate their parents. However, the real secret of the party's success is that it attracts the support of journalists who hate Republicans, and who therefore work tirelessly to convince the rest of us that we should vote for Democrats.'


  1. That is just the exterior decoration. The Democratic success comes from better scams and experience at distributing the prodeeds so even most "Republicans" play along. The prattle is for children and suckers. Grift powers the machine.

  2. The Democrat elite are obsessed with 100% eradicating Trump and his cronies. They see the threat and are going to use any means to destroy any vestage of the MAGA culture. They are united, organized and determined. Meanwhile us Conservatives are none of the above and just want to be left alone. That "Citizen Independence" might have worked 250 years ago, but now ain't then.

    1. Hopefully when push comes to shove, we will fare better.

  3. We are neck deep in authoritarian democrats, academics, and journalists and with Bidens attempt to fund journalists through BBB it will complete the taxpayer funding of the nonproductive, heaven on earth, parasites.

    1. it will complete the taxpayer funding of the nonproductive, heaven on earth, parasites.

      I would like to see the liquidation of the parasites.
