Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Rand Paul’s 2021 ‘Festivus Report’ documents $52 billion in gov’t waste — including money for ‘pigeons playing slot machines’ and a study verifying ‘kids crave junk food’

 Via sw44magnumman Brown


Republican Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) on Wednesday released his annual “Festivus Report,” this year reportedly uncovering a whopping $52 billion in wasted federal government dollars — which he said went towards things like a study on gambling that paid for pigeons to play slot machines and another study verifying that, yes, kids crave junk food.

Paul, a fiscal conservative who chairs the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Spending Oversight, has released his annual government waste reports for seven years. And each year, it seems the government comes up with more and more outrageous ways to spend taxpayer money.

More @ Duty To America


  1. Only $52 Billion? Bullshit. Considering how many TRILLIONS the left has spent the pork has to be at LEAST ten time that amount.
