Wednesday, December 22, 2021

US Troops Unable to Receive Religious Vaccine Exemptions

Of all of the decisions so far made by the Biden administration, perhaps none has been quite as fraught with criticism as the attempted implementation of a federal vaccine mandate, aimed at further weakening the coronavirus pandemic.

The idea that any American should be forced into an unwanted, personal medical decision has not sat well with freedom advocates, who are afraid that this is but the first erosion of bodily autonomy here in the United States.

  More @ Flag & Cross


  1. It's going to the Supreme Court January 7th.

  2. Of course.
    1. There was never any possibility that a government employee chaplain was ever going to grant an exception to government policy, religious or otherwise. Chaplains in the military serve the military.
    2. There was never any chance of a religious exemption to vaccines for anyone in the military because all those religions that don't allow vaccines are already excluded from military service.
    3. You should not need to claim a religious exception if it is already not possible to claim an exception on the basis of personal freedom. Freedom belongs to everyone by right. You have religious freedom because you have freedom, not the other way around.

