Wednesday, January 5, 2022

From teenage girls to trained assassins: They were drilled to shoot, bomb and even garrotte invading Nazis with their bare hands. Now ANNABEL VENNING has uncovered the testimony of the secret British resistance squad

 Via David

 When Jennifer Lockley was growing up in the 1950s, a salesman came to the door of the family home one afternoon. He was selling pots and pans and was pushy and aggressive. When Jennifer's mother, Irene (pictured), tried to close the door, he stuck his foot inside to stop her. Jennifer never forgot what happened next. In one rapid manoeuvre, her housewife mother sent the salesman sprawling, somehow throwing him — and his pots and pans — across the front garden

When Jennifer Lockley was growing up in the 1950s, a salesman came to the door of the family home one afternoon.

He was selling pots and pans and was pushy and aggressive. When Jennifer's mother, Irene, tried to close the door, he stuck his foot inside to stop her.

Jennifer never forgot what happened next. In one rapid manoeuvre, her housewife mother sent the salesman sprawling, somehow throwing him — and his pots and pans — across the front garden.

 More @ Daily Mail

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