Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"America Has Got to Go!"

Dateline Portland, Oregon - February 7, 2012:

Violence/Language warning. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.

What was supposed to be another "Peaceful Protest" by Occupy Portland ran hopelessly awry and out of control this evening. The self described mob shouted profanity, broke windows, and sought to intimidate police and citizen journalists who would try and film it. Some occupiers overturned trash cans while others seemingly not in agreement with the vandals, uprighted the cans and tried to clean up the mess.

Portland Police responded with the riot squad. A total of ten arrests were made, three caught on film, with two of the perps identifying themselves and claiming that they were just walking down the sidewalk and were pushed into the street. One claims the cops attacked him with a bottle.

One of those arrested identifies herself as a "Emmalyn Garrett." The other identifies himself as "Effy Artinez" (SP?). Chants made by the Occu-Mob included "Fu*k the Police!," "All Cops Are Bastards," and "America Has Got to Go!" Again, viewer discretion is advised.

1 comment:

  1. wouldn't be the first time police agent-provocateurs were the ones who did all the damage trying to get crap started so they could then justify the "crackdown."

    I have no love for the occutards, I'm not sayin'... I'm just sayin'...
