Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Big Establishment Lie: Kool-Aid from the Poisoned Chalice

Via Mike

The Big Establishment Lie: Kool-Aid from the Poisoned Chalice

To the political and cultural globalist establishments of the U.S., Canada, and Western Europe, respectability has for a long time trumped reason and truth. Establishment history, sociology, psychology, religion, politics, and even science must protect the establishment and its special interests and future. The big lies in all these spheres of influence reflect a terrible axiom about the human condition: Most people prefer present comfort and respectability over truth, reason, and reality. Sometimes the big lies stretch to absurdities to suppress obvious truths. More often than not a willful moral and intellectual blindness must be marshaled to shut out the light of truth. This often results in fanatical or hysterical action by politically correct partisans and paid intellectual zombies to keep a single ray of sunlight from shining through and restoring some truth. The biggest lies usually weave an elaborate false narrative of history and human understanding.

The freer the nation in its politics and culture, the more truth will flourish. The more false narratives prevail the less free a nation becomes until it finally collapses from totalitarian government and intellectual or spiritual folly.

More @ The Tribune


  1. "Most people prefer present comfort and respectability over truth, reason, and reality. Sometimes the big lies stretch to absurdities to suppress obvious truths. More often than not a willful moral and intellectual blindness must be marshaled to shut out the light of truth."

    The Soviet Union had to collapse from within. There were so many absurdities built into that system, and I believe nearly everyone there knew enough of them to know the system had to fail, but the system had to fail from within before any change was possible. The reason is that people prefer the demon they know to the one they do not.

    It is for this reason i have long stated we have but one path to liberty here in the FUSA, and that path is through an economic collapse. Only in that collapse is any change possible. Would that it were not true. Who in the well-paid government services will voluntarily give up their staus? Who in the MIC industries or military? Who in the FIRE economy? Who among the retirees or welfare classes? No one, that's who. They like things the way they are, and there are enough more who are afraid of change that they constitute a majority willing to vote to keep us enslaved to them.

    Yes, we could wind up worse off after a collapse. But it is our only path to liberty.

    1. Thanks.
