Monday, May 28, 2018

Friendly Reminder to Migrants on Memorial Day Weekend: The WWII War Memorial Is Not a Swimming Pool

 Veteran chases disrespectful foreigners out of WWII War memorial in DC 2017
Third world immigrants swim and wash their sweaty feet in a WWII memorial.

Many say that “anyone” should be allowed to come here. But ask yourself this...

Would someone of Euro descent do this? The answer is no.

Why is the term “diversity” only used for white countries?

More videos @ The Gateway Pundit


  1. When I was in Saint Petersburg, Russia, one of the sites I went to was "Peterhof" - a palace with amazing gardens and fountains. Native Russians were shooed from wading; they understood the respect that such places require.

    Incidentally, Brock, my latest:

    1. Thanks.

  2. Have we run out of ammo? I'm thinking problems like these can be solved by setting up a couple of M60s. Just sayin'...

    1. We've always thought alike.......:) Good to hear from you and hope all is well considering the demise of our society.

  3. When I visited Lenin's Tomb in Moscow's Red Square with the temperature about -30F I had my hands in my coat pockets. A guard come over and pulled my hands out of the pockets because it was disrespectful.

    1. Lenin's Tomb

      Reminds me of a piece by Fred who mentioned he had a guide in Hanoi who asked him if he would like to visit Ho Chi Minh's tomb and Fred replied "I'd rather have all my teeth pulled out." :)
